Let's Partner Together
Let's partner together as we transform the lives of girls between the ages of 12-18 years of age. According to CDC (2019) and Child Mind Institute (2017). Girls are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with a mood discord as boys, and more vulnerable to anxiety and depression. The I AM Girls' Project is a Psyco-Social program. Its mission is to heal and empower girls towards self-discovery, leadership development, experimental learning as they develop a road-map for the future. Highlights of the program are as follows:
Therapy for Girls
Individual and Group therapy for girls' and their families.
"I AM" Girls Academy
A Psyco-social and leadership academy and workshop series to empower Girls.
Parent Workshops
Workshops to empower and support parents as they raise confident Girls.
We are accepting referrals
Dream Big College @ The Life Changer Center
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