The Reposition Framework

The Framework empowers individuals to: (1) heal as they understand the power of their story; (2) use their story as a Blueprint to build a life of purpose

What is Your Story?

Our lives have been made up of many stories of trials, tribulations, joy, and successes. To navigate the terrain of life, you have developed resiliency and have pushed passed the trials and developed a formula for success. Our Vision is to help our clients to Reposition  themselves for greatness. We will accomplish this by helping you to

  • Heal as they understand the power of their story
  • Use their story as a Blueprint to build a life of purpose.


Schedule an Appointment Today

Our Curriculum

Our Reposition Curriculum empowers clients to move through a continuum of the following stages; healing, restoration, and expansion. Through these stages we use writing as a tool to empower our clients to activate their voices as they heal and develop a game plan to live a life of purpose. Highlights are as follows:


Physical, mental, and emotional  healing

Identifying the source of personal pain/ pressure

Impact- Emotional Paralysis

The Shift-Choosing Life


Developing strategies towards repositioning and restoration

Enhancing relationships

Breakthrough journey to Wholeness

Rebirth-Rewriting your Narrative


Exploring opportunities - Develop a Game Plan for the next six-months and beyond.

Write- publish and share your Story

Making a difference in the lives of others


50% Complete

Two Step

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