The University of Life Changers

Coaches, Ministers and Purpose-Driven Individuals, are you ready to expand your brand as an author?

E-Book Academy

3-month journey to write and develop your e-book.

6-month to write, develop and market your e-book. 


Writers' Circle

An academy to  write and publish your book or a workbook 

  • Expand your platform,
  • Amplify your transformation

To accomplish this goal we will develop your framework identifying the pillars of your transformation.  


Expand Your Platform: Developing Your Anthology

In this academy you will  develop an anthology which will enable you to:

  • To develop your frame work.
  • Amply your transformation
  • Expand your community
  • Become a visionary author with several co-authors. 

Are You Ready to Expand Your Platform?

Are you ready to create impact?


50% Complete

Two Step

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